LalBrew CBC-1 – 11g


Cask & Bottle Conditioning Yeast

1 in stock

SKU: N963308-1 Categories: , , ,


Strain: Saccharomyces cerevisiae

LalBrew CBC-1™ has been specifically selected from the Lallemand Yeast Culture Collection for Cask and Bottle Conditioning applications due to its high resistance to alcohol and pressure. LalBrew CBC-1™ has a neutral flavor profile and does not metabolize maltotriose, therefore the original character of the beer is preserved after refermentation. The yeast will settle and form a tight mat at the bottom of the bottle or cask. LalBrew CBC-1™ is also an ideal strain for primary fermentation of dry ciders, mead and hard-seltzer. For simple sugar fermentations with appropriate yeast nutrition, LalBrew CBC-1™ achieves high attenuation with a clean and neutral flavor profile.


Attenuation n/a%
Temperature range: 20 – 30°C (68 – 86°F)
Flocculation: High
Alcohol tolerance: 12-14% ABV for cask and bottle conditioning; 18% ABV for cider, mead and hard seltzer
Pitching rate Bottle conditioning: 10g/hL ; Cider and Mead: 50-100g/hL ; Hard Seltzer: 100-250g/hL

Additional information

Weight 0.011 kg
Dimensions 6 × 9 × 1 cm


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